Nghia tam B Elementary School

Nghia tam B Elementary School with short name is Trường tiểu học Nghĩa tâm B, foreign name is Nghia tam B Elementary School, original name is Trường tiểu học Nghĩa tâm B, operations over 30 years in Primary Education. Director: Mr/Ms. Do Van Linh . Please contact us via address: Xã: Nghĩa tâm, Xã Nghĩa Tâm, Van Chan District, Yen Bai Province, Viet Nam. Phone:
Tax Code:
Address: Xã: Nghĩa tâm, Xã Nghĩa Tâm, Van Chan District, Yen Bai Province, Viet Nam
Date Active: 1994-08-25

Map go to Nghia tam B Elementary School

Map go to Nghia tam B Elementary School