Truong PTDTNT Trung Hoc Co So Van Lang District

Truong PTDTNT Trung Hoc Co So Van Lang District with short name is Trường PTDTNT THCS huyện Văn Lãng, foreign name is Truong PTDTNT Trung Hoc Co So Van Lang District, original name is Trường PTDTNT THCS huyện Văn Lãng, operations over 26 years in Middle school education and high school education. Director: Mr/Ms. Ma Van Bo . Please contact us via address: Thâm Mè A, xã Hoàng Việt, Van Lang District, Lang Son Province, Viet Nam. Phone:
Tax Code:
Address: Thâm Mè A, xã Hoàng Việt, Van Lang District, Lang Son Province, Viet Nam
Date Active: 1998-03-21

Map go to Truong PTDTNT Trung Hoc Co So Van Lang District

Map go to Truong PTDTNT Trung Hoc Co So Van Lang District