Smart Think Corporation

Smart Think Corporation with short name is SMART THINK CORP, foreign name is Smart Think Corporation, original name is Công Ty Cổ Phần Smart Think, operations over 9 years in Mechanical engineering processing; treating and overlaying metal. Director: Mr/Ms. Nguyen Thi Ha with many business activities. Please contact us via address: 339/9C Tô Hiến Thành, Phường 13, District 10, Ho Chi Minh City, Viet Nam.
Tax Code:
Address: 339/9C Tô Hiến Thành, Phường 13, District 10, Ho Chi Minh City, Viet Nam
License ID: , date 13-04-2015
Date Active: 2015-04-13

Map go to Smart Think Corporation

Map go to Smart Think Corporation

Services and products

  • Mechanical engineering processing; treating and overlaying metal
  • Producing metal components
  • Forging, stamping, pressing and laminating metal; refining metal powder
  • Producing knives, scissors, hand-held tools and common metal tools
  • Producing other uncategorized metal products
  • Wholesale of metals and ore

Branch Smart Think Corporation

MD7, KCN Đức Hòa 1, ấp 5, Xã Đức Hòa Đông, Duc Hoa District