nghe giao thong van tai trung uong I College

nghe giao thong van tai trung uong I College, foreign name is nghe giao thong van tai trung uong I College, original name is Trường cao đẳng nghề giao thông vận tải trung ương I, operations over 17 years in General State administration and general economy. . Please contact us via address: Xã Thuỵ An, Xã Thụy An, Ba Vi District, Ha Noi City, Viet Nam.
Tax Code:
Address: Xã Thuỵ An, Xã Thụy An, Ba Vi District, Ha Noi City, Viet Nam
Date Active: 2007-12-31

Map go to nghe giao thong van tai trung uong I College

Map go to nghe giao thong van tai trung uong I College

Branch nghe giao thong van tai trung uong I College

Số 6, tổ 11 Giáp Bát, Phường Giáp Bát, Hoang Mai District