Truong PTTH B Duy Tien

Truong PTTH B Duy Tien with short name is Trường PTTH B Duy Tiên, foreign name is Truong PTTH B Duy Tien, original name is Trường PTTH B Duy Tiên, operations over 17 years in Middle school education and high school education. Director: Mr/Ms. Truong Quoc Dung . Please contact us via address: Phố Nguyễn Hữu Tiến, Thị trấn Đồng Văn, Duy Tien District, Ha Nam Province, Viet Nam. Phone:
Tax Code:
Address: Phố Nguyễn Hữu Tiến, Thị trấn Đồng Văn, Duy Tien District, Ha Nam Province, Viet Nam
Date Active: 2007-10-01

Map go to Truong PTTH B Duy Tien

Map go to Truong PTTH B Duy Tien