nong nghiep tong hop Chuc Thanh Co-operative

nong nghiep tong hop Chuc Thanh Co-operative with short name is HTX Nông nghiệp tổng hợp Chúc Thanh, foreign name is nong nghiep tong hop Chuc Thanh Co-operative, original name is Hợp tác xã nông nghiệp tổng hợp Chúc Thanh, operations over 15 years in Breeding. Director: Mr/Ms. Nguyen Van Chuc . Please contact us via address: Xã Bằng Lang, Quang Binh District, Ha Giang Province, Viet Nam.
Tax Code:
Address: Xã Bằng Lang, Quang Binh District, Ha Giang Province, Viet Nam
License ID: , date 01-07-2008
Date Active: 2009-01-01

Map go to nong nghiep tong hop Chuc Thanh Co-operative

Map go to nong nghiep tong hop Chuc Thanh Co-operative