nghien cuu giong cay trong Center

nghien cuu giong cay trong Center, foreign name is nghien cuu giong cay trong Center, original name is Trung tâm nghiên cứu giống cây trồng, operations over 22 years in Agricultural services activities. Director: Mr/Ms. Nguyen Quoc Buoi . Please contact us via address: Thôn 3 - Xã An Phú, Pleiku City, Gia Lai Province, Viet Nam.
Tax Code:
Address: Thôn 3 - Xã An Phú, Pleiku City, Gia Lai Province, Viet Nam
Date Active: 2002-01-02

Map go to nghien cuu giong cay trong Center

Map go to nghien cuu giong cay trong Center