cong nghe Tu Duy So Company Limited

cong nghe Tu Duy So Company Limited with short name is DIGITAL THINKING TECHNOLOGY COMPANY LIMITED, foreign name is cong nghe Tu Duy So Company Limited, original name is Công ty TNHH công nghệ Tư Duy Số, operations over 16 years in Computer programming. Director: Mr/Ms. Tran Quang Minh . Please contact us via address: 736 Điện Biên Phủ, Thanh Khe District, Da Nang City, Viet Nam. Phone:
Tax Code:
Address: 736 Điện Biên Phủ, Thanh Khe District, Da Nang City, Viet Nam
License ID: , date 15-09-2008
Date Active: 2008-10-01

Map go to cong nghe Tu Duy So Company Limited

Map go to cong nghe Tu Duy So Company Limited