Dich vu dien nang Quy Loc Co-operative

Dich vu dien nang Quy Loc Co-operative with short name is HTX Dịch vụ điện năng Quý Lộc, foreign name is Dich vu dien nang Quy Loc Co-operative, original name is HTX Dịch vụ điện năng Quý Lộc, operations over 20 years in Mobile retail or in-market-retail of other commodities. Director: Mr/Ms. Le Van Tuan . Please contact us via address: Xã Quý Lộc, Yen Dinh District, Thanh Hoa Province, Viet Nam.
Tax Code:
Address: Xã Quý Lộc, Yen Dinh District, Thanh Hoa Province, Viet Nam
Date Active: 2004-04-16

Map go to Dich vu dien nang Quy Loc Co-operative

Map go to Dich vu dien nang Quy Loc Co-operative