Nguyen Thi Thuy

Nguyen Thi Thuy, foreign name is Nguyen Thi Thuy, original name is Nguyễn Thị Thùy, operations over 3 years in General wholesale. Director: Mr/Ms. Nguyen Thi Thuy with many business activities. Please contact us via address: Số 28 tổ 19 Bắc Lãm, Phường Phú Lương, Ha Dong District, Ha Noi City, Viet Nam. Phone:
Tax Code:
Address: Số 28 tổ 19 Bắc Lãm, Phường Phú Lương, Ha Dong District, Ha Noi City, Viet Nam
Date Active: 2021-07-28

Map go to Nguyen Thi Thuy

Map go to Nguyen Thi Thuy

Services and products

  • General wholesale
  • Architectural practice and related technical consultancy
  • Architectural practice
  • Map surveying
  • Geological exploration, water source exploration
  • Other related technical consultancy
  • Technical inspection and analysis
  • Research and develop experimental natural science and technology
  • Research and develop experimental social science and humanities
  • Advertising
  • Market research and surveying
  • Specialized design
  • Photography practice
  • Other uncategorized professional practice, science and technology
  • Meteorological and Hydrographical activities
  • Other uncategorized professional practice, science and technology
  • Veterinary practice